About Homesteading
Research and gain knowledge of agricultural practices, animal husbandry, construction techniques, and self-sufficiency skills such as food preservation and energy production.
Homesteading is pursued in different ways around the world—and in different historical eras—homesteading is generally differentiated from rural village or commune living by isolation (either socially or physically) of the homestead. Modern homesteaders often use renewable energy options including solar and wind power. Many also choose to plant and grow heirloom vegetables and to raise heritage livestock. Homesteading is not defined by where someone lives, such as the city or the country, but by the lifestyle choices they make.
Raising Animals
Daily tasks such as animal minding, from chickens to goats are great to have on your homestead to provide evergreen meals.
Chickens,Goats,Pigs,Horses,Cows, kindness and patience
Fixing and making your own clothes is a craft used for thousands of years, to learn this skill will help keep your clothes in good condition
Sewing machine, Needles, Thread, Thimble and Patience
Growing your own fruits and vegtables and herbs when you can, will help ensure you and your family are eating pestacide free.